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Fork Boots
Fork Cartridge Dampers, Suspension
Use this installation tool from Cogent to be sure that your Cogent Drop-in Dynamic Cartridges are installed correctly. A strong magnet in the end holds the cartridge firmly while you lower it into your fork leg. Then slide the spring over the tool until it holds the DDC down, then gently remove the tool. That simple. Never again question if it is properly seated on the damper rod.
Works equally well for removal when you need to change your fork oil. Also works great with Race Tech Emulators.
Fork Cartridge Dampers
Damping Rod style forks are notorious for being too harsh, too mushy and too easy to bottom. Gold Valve Cartridge Emulators remedy this problem by controlling the compression damping with a tuneable valve. The Emulator sits on top of the damping rod and is held in place by the main spring.
Simply put; Emulators make damping rod forks perform like well-tuned cartridge forks. Installation and tuning for any condition or rider preference is very straight-forward.
Simple to install and completely tunable for all conditions and rider preferences.
These Cogent Drop-in Dynamic Cartridges will vastly improve both the compression and rebound damping of your stock forks. No disassembly of your forks, no drilling of damper rods. Just change the oil to 5w and install the DDCs under the springs and hit the trails.
Stiffer fork springs are required to realize the full benefits of the DDCs. .42 kg/mm springs are the springs recommended for just about anybody out there. Please call if you have any further questions.
The DDCs are not recommended for use with progressive springs.
The DDC Install/Removal Tool which makes installation that much easier.
Fork Seals & Bushings
The Modoc is an excellent replacement for the stock shock. With adjustable rebound damping and preload, you can tailor the performance to match your riding style.
Select the spring you want installed based on the load you plan to carry. For most riders, the 7.1 kg/mm spring will suit you perfectly. Weigh more than 250 lbs, or are loaded to the max, think about the 8.1 kg/mm spring. Please call with any questions.