Same-day shipping cutoff: Noon Pacific Time

We will be leaving the office slightly earlier than usual this Friday 5/24 at 2pm (Pacific Time) and will be back in action on Tuesday 5/28 at 9:30am. We are taking a little break to enjoy some quality time with our families and to celebrate the Memorial Day weekend.

Fuel and Intake

Carburetors, Jet Kits, Air Filters, Fuel Filters, EFI Control Modules

Basic Carburetors Tech Talk:

KLR650 '87 - '25

Dual stage foam: 2 different pore sizes create more trapping area for even the smallest dust particles. Flame laminated foam: Both "Stages" are not glued but heat sealed to provide maximum air flow. Light color foam makes it easier to see where the filter oil has covered and where it has not.

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Ships in 3-5 business days